Sunday, April 5, 2009


Although I am stubborn, Dalaney has convinced me that the the following items are vital for survival.

Since August 2006, I have relied on Word Perfect and Notepad. When you are unable to double-space and customize margins for your academic papers, it can get tedious. Finally, my computer has met Microsoft Word. Yay!

For two months, I went without a shower curtain in my bathroom. Since I'm a bathing whore, I didn't think I needed a shower curtain. Turns out, showers can be enticing and time effective.

Before this semester, I was opposed to obtaining a campus parking decal. Despite the fact that they are free. I was attached to "visitors" parking. Now that I drive to school, my decal has made all the difference.

My next feat is to purchase a new battery for my Dell laptop. That way, I can attend class and use my computer free of plugins and wires.

Slowly, but surely, I am learning.
I'll never know why I feel the need to make things more difficult than they should be.


Jenny said...

When did you become stubborn???

Jessica B. said...
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Suz said...
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Unknown said...

You little bathing whore, you! Showers are awesome too...don't give them a bad name.

dalaney said...

Microsoft office is vital for collegiate survival. Welcome to the good life.