Monday, April 13, 2009

Why I Heart BYU....

No where else will gorgeous library strangers offer me life-sustaining cheese sticks and crackers. Oh, the bond of excruciating academic pursuits.


Kristina P. said...

This never happened to me at BYU. I was shunned.

Lorina said...

Hannah, my phone broke so I can't call you but I just want to let you know that I am so grateful for your wonderful friendship. Thank you for bringing those flowers. They were so beautiful. I love flowers! It totally made my day!

dalaney said...

I would like to know some details about these "gorgeous" people who are giving you food. Was it solicited?

Manda Panda said...

What...this gorgeous person was not Dalaney? I feel very uncomfortable.

Unknown said...

do you twitter?

Kristina P. said...

MissHannah, are you doing OK? Haven't heard from you in a while!

Audrey said...

I live in the Northwest quadrant right by Georgetown. We're like a block away from amazing shopping. It's the foggy bottom metro stop, if you're familiar with the area. My address is 2520 L Street NW, Washington DC 20037. You should totally write me a letter or something. Also, if that American Dreams blog you have for a class? And third, I love the library too. :)

The Boover Bunch said...

i need more info...who are these gorgeous people? Did you look famished or as Delaney asked, was it solcited? Did you eat the cheese and crackers? I definitly want my kids to attend BYU now, knowing they will be offered snacks at the libray by goregeous strangers. Love you...Loved having you and Delaney here. Miss you... Cya soon.